Vancouver Actor Headshot Photographer Mat Lo - Actors Headshots | Real Estate Photographer | Wedding Photographer | Event Photographer

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Posts tagged actor
Night time shoot with Mr. Hollywood-Blockbuster on Granville street
A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night.
— Marilyn vos Savant
Mat Lo Photography Georgia Hotel

Admittedly and unashamedly I avoid Granville street like it's some sort of diseased cesspool of filth...which it most certainly is, I've heard some say. But you know how it goes, you're around the corner in an underground bar talking with a couple of actor friends about debauchery and more debauchery and the plans to create your next collaborative masterpiece, when before you know it you've got a belly full of cider, a camera in your hand and you're being drawn to the Granville street lights. Here we go again. But luckily for me this time, the friend I'm with happens to be the legendary Tarun, aka Mr. Hollywood-Blockbuster (soon to be appearing on your cinema screens in 3D) and there's a sh*t ton of pretty lights on Granville. So I carefully light my fine subject using only the subtle glow eminating from the glorious shop windows and had him do what he does best, look good and act cool.

Mat Lo Photography Georgia Hotel
Mat Lo Photography Tarun
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Mat Lo Photography Granville Street